Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine Journal (ACCMJ)

Volume 8 Issue 1

Lung Ultrasound - Optimal Diagnostic Tool for Intensivists
Vasin D*, Pavlovic A, Dobric M, Miskovic B, Maricic B and Masulovic D
Case Report
Surgical Resection of Neonatal Sacrococcygeal Teratoma: An Anaesthetic Challenge
Apoorva P, Fernandes RL, Shenoy SK*, Vijaykumar S and Krishnan A BR
Review Article
Case Report
Utility of Advanced Airway Assessment in the Awake Patient: Case Series
Cristian IAH*, Tania SR, Adolfo PC, Verónica RV, Sandra RM and Horacio OM
Case Report
Delirium in the Oncology Patient: Case Report
Verónica RA*, Adolfo PC, Tania SR, Cristian HAI and Horacio OM
F1 europub

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