Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

Volume 6 Issue 1

Investigation Paper
Diabetes, Obesity-Associated Comorbidities and NIH-Toolbox Neurocognitive Performance
Ronald A Cohen*, Rachel Gonzalez-Louis, Heshan J Fernando, Jeffrey Friedman, Alexander Ayzengart, Eric Porges, Adam J Woods, Joseph Gullett, Michael Marsiske, John Gunstad, Christa M Ochoa, William T Donahoo and Kenneth Cusi
Conceptual Paper
Obesity Risk Assessment Concept
Aparna G Bhaskar*, Atul N C Peters, Gurvinder S Jammu, Ravikanth K, Khaitan M, Raj P, Shashank Shah and Shivaram HV
Research Article
Prevalence of Misconceptions about Diabetes and their Association with Metabolic and Psychological Variables
Gloria Marcela Ruiz-Cervantes, Ana Cristina García-Ulloa*, Angélica Palacios-Vargas, Claudia Lechuga-Fonseca, Alejandra Sierra-Esquivel, María Luisa Velasco-Pérez, Sergio Hernández-Jiménez, For the Group of Study CAIPaDi Center of Compreh
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