Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

Volume 3 Issue 4

Case Report
Eczema of the Eyelids: Who is the Culprit?
Sqalli HA*, Maouni S, ElAnzi O, Mansouri S, Senouci K and Hassam B
Research Article
Characterization of the Operation of the Diet in Patient Diabetic Geriatrics
Alvarez JC*, Valdes Utrera JR, Leal Ruiz E, Vizcaino Escobar A and Delgado Perez A
Image Article
Clinical Note
Medical Information from Internet for Tunisian Cancer Patients: A Double-Edged Weapon?
El Benna H, Dridi M, Rachdi H*, Mejri N, Daoud N, Labidi S and Boussen H
Review Article
Autism and Pregnancy, Is It Preventable?
Lubna khan*, Mariam Jamil, Careema Jamjoom, Ali Al Huraijri and Hythem Al Sum
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