Open Access Journal of Endocrinology (OAJE)

Volume 6 Issue 1

Research Article
A Prospective Study of Correlation of Fructosamine with Continuous Glucose Monitor in Diabetic Patients
Gurdeep S*, Anne S, Pablo C, Andreas F, Jennifer L, JoAnne E, Bridget A and Timothy H
Review Article
Diabetes Education and the Covid 19 Pandemic
Gurdeep S*, Bridgette C and Shivani P
Review Article
Research Article
Review Article
Neuroendocrine Tumor in the Common Bile Duct, a Case Report
Jeyyab MA*, Awabdeh MA, Khwaldeh IA, Mohammad Al Mse’adeen, Hawajreh MA, Atallah T, Alhanbali A, Kofahi MA
Review Article
Mini Review
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