Otolaryngology Open Access Journal (OOAJ)

Volume 3 Issue 2

Research Article
Research Article
Sinonasal Symptoms and Outcomes in Aircrew
Alzahrani FS, Al-Bar HM*, Algumaan OA, Alqahtani AY and Alzuwayed MA
Short Communication
Tinnitus and Deafness in the Musicians
Lucio M*, Salvatore T, Anna Corinna A, Vinicio P, Barbara F and Paola A
Case Report
Upper Eyelid Fistula Secondary to a Frontal Sinusitis: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Laababsi Rabii*, Abdulhakeem Bushra, El Krimi Zineb, Rouadi Sami, Abada Reda lah, Roubal Mohamed and Mohamed Mahtar
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