Otolaryngology Open Access Journal (OOAJ)

Volume 6 Issue 1

Pilot Study
Utilization of an Application in Dizziness Treatment: Pilot Study
Perin Sousa DHA, Sousa MGC*, Silva Carneiro JD, Maia FA, Matos R, Boratto M and Alves L
Case Report
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Gland: A Case Report of Rare Entity
Shaikh AA, Bhende R*, Dhondge R, Nagarkar R, Gandhe S and Roy S
Review Article
Tracheostomy: Five-Year Review in a West African Hospital
Diallo AO*, Diallo OR, Sinayoko A, Dabo I, Bah B, Diallo AA and Traoré M
Research Article
Endoscopic Management of Aural Myiasis: Two Decades Experience
Ranga RK*, Anand A, Yadav SPS, Malik P and Goel A
Research Article
Auditory Rehabilitation Post-Cochlear Implant
Diamante G*, Aranda AL, Martinis C, Bustingorry F and Gómez A
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